FAQs | Frequently Asked Questions.
What is Great Lakes Rotary PETS?
Great Lakes Rotary PETS is a multi-district President-Elect Training Seminar that includes seven districts from Michigan, Indiana, and Canada, representing more than 330 clubs. All clubs benefit from training together. We hear from top-notch Rotary speakers, have the best training resources, and share ideas and experiences with Rotarians from outside of our district. Representatives of all seven districts work for a year to make the Great Lakes Rotary PETS a success for our clubs.
As a President-Elect am I required to attend PETS?
Yes, this is required training as stated in the Rotary International Manual of Procedure 2016, Club Constitution Article 10 Section 5(c).
Manual of Procedure 2016, Club Constitution Article 10 Section 5(c)
Qualifications. Each officer and director shall be a member in good standing of this club. A candidate for the office of president shall have served as a member of this club for at least one year prior to being nominated for such office, except where service for less than a full year may be determined by the district governor to satisfy the intent of this requirement. The president- elect shall attend the district presidents-elect training seminar and the district training assembly unless excused by the governor-elect. If so excused, the president-elect shall send a designated club representative who shall report back to the president-elect. If the president-elect does not attend the presidents-elect training seminar and the district training assembly and has not been excused by the governor-elect or, if so excused, does not send a designated club representative to such meetings, the president-elect shall not be able to serve as club president. In such event, the current president shall continue to serve until a successor who has attended a presidents- elect training seminar and district training assembly or training deemed sufficient by the governor-elect has been duly elected.
Manual of Procedure 2016, Club Constitution Article 10 Section 5(c)
Qualifications. Each officer and director shall be a member in good standing of this club. A candidate for the office of president shall have served as a member of this club for at least one year prior to being nominated for such office, except where service for less than a full year may be determined by the district governor to satisfy the intent of this requirement. The president- elect shall attend the district presidents-elect training seminar and the district training assembly unless excused by the governor-elect. If so excused, the president-elect shall send a designated club representative who shall report back to the president-elect. If the president-elect does not attend the presidents-elect training seminar and the district training assembly and has not been excused by the governor-elect or, if so excused, does not send a designated club representative to such meetings, the president-elect shall not be able to serve as club president. In such event, the current president shall continue to serve until a successor who has attended a presidents- elect training seminar and district training assembly or training deemed sufficient by the governor-elect has been duly elected.
Is there any way that I can make up this training, if I can't make that date?
Other PETS events are available but you miss the connection with your district. Contact your District Governor-Elect for a date of another PETS meeting. A portion of your registration fee for Great Lakes PETS will be refunded to your district after you attend the other PETS.
I just served as president of my small club. Why should I go to PETS when I already know how to be president?
The 2013 Council on Legislation reaffirms that anyone who serves as president must attend PETS. This is a required training event. Every year, Rotary International develops new materials to assist club leaders and provides new programs and activities to help strengthen clubs, so you will find some new information as well. As an experienced president, you will be able to grasp the importance and depth of the new information being presented, so your PETS experience this time will be very valuable. You also will be important as a mentor to your PN. Your shared time at PETS will allow you to develop plans to strengthen your club.
Do I have to pay my own expenses for PETS?
Every club pays for the PETS registration fee for the President Elect whether or not the PE attends. Each club sets its own policy for paying the registration for the PN and PE/PN Partners, as well as for hotel expenses. Check with your current club president or treasurer. Note that the PETS registration fee does not cover the cost of the hotel room. PE's still must register online and use the PET's website to reserve a hotel room.
What can I expect to learn at PETS?
Professional speakers will lead sessions on a variety of topics, including club organization, leadership, team building, goal setting, refining volunteer management, club budgets, conducting a club meeting, managing time and expected time commitments for a club president, and a general orientation to club administration.
Is there anything I can do to better prepare for the PETS?
Download and review the Club President Manual and the Club Officer and Committee Chair Manuals from the RESOURCE PAGE. Also, there are a number of Rotary International publications in the Learning and Reference section of My Rotary.
Should I ask our President Nominee to attend PETS?
Yes! Last year over 60 clubs of the 330 clubs attending PETS had their PN attend PETS. Those club PN's, when asked after PETS, said that it was very worthwhile and that they looked forward to coming back this year to get more ideas and to be able to ask questions that they did not ask last year. Many clubs pay the registration fee for the PN's.
What materials will I be able to bring back to my club?
Check the RESOURCE PAGE for information and links to access Rotary International information. Your District may supply you with written or electronic material in your District Breakout Sessions for your club.
Will I be able to visit Rotary vendor and exhibit booths at this meeting?
Yes, there will be licensed Rotary VENDORS with displays which will be there for the entire meeting. There will also be Rotarians from other districts with exhibits of successful club and district projects.
What do all those initials stand for?
Like many organizations Rotary uses many acronyms. In this, Rotary is not unique. It is common in all organizations—big and small. Just to help you feel right at home in the Rotary family, here’s a list of common Rotary.
AG - Assistant Governor
CLP - Club Leadership Plan COL - Council on Legislation CR - Club Runner DACdb - District and Club Data Base DDF - District Designated Funds DG - District Governor DGE - District Governor Elect DGN - District Governor Nominee DGND - District Governor Nominee Designate DTA - District Training Assembly DT - District Trainer EREY - Every Rotarian Every Year GETS - Governor Elect Training Seminar |
MOP - Manual of Procedure
NID - National Immunization Day PE - President Elect PN - President Nominee PETS - President Elect Training Seminar PDG - Past District Governor PHF - Paul Harris Fellow PHS - Paul Harris Society PRID - Past Rotary International Director PRIP - Past Rotary International President PRIVP - Past Rotary International Vice-President RAG - Rotary Action Group RC - Rotary Coordinator RCC - Rotary Club Central |
FC - Rotary Foundation Coordinator RI - Rotary International RID - Rotary International Director RIDE - Rotary International Director Elect RIP - Rotary International President RIPE - Rotary International President Elect RIVP - Past Rotary International Vice-President RLI - Rotary Leadership Institute RPIC - Rotary Public Image Coordinator RYLA - Rotary Youth Leadership Award TRF - The Rotary Foundation YE - Youth Exchange |
Which districts attend PETS and where are they located?
Great Lakes Rotary PETS is a multi PETS that includes six Districts: 6290 - NW Michigan plus Wawa Ontario, 6310 - NE Michigan, 6330 - E Michigan and Western Ontario, 6360 - SW Michigan, 6380 - four SE Michigan Counties and Chatham Kent County, Ontario, 6400 - four SE Michigan Counties and Essex County, Ontario, and 6540 - Northern Indiana.
How will I know if my online registration was successful?
When you complete the online registration you will receive a receipt in your e-mail within a few minutes.
What should I wear?
Daily sessions are "Rotary Casual." Remember this is a business meeting, so please no T-shirts, shorts, jeans etc.
- Thursday Dinner - Business Attire
- Friday Dinner - Business Attire
- Saturday - Traveling Clothes
Should I ask my partner to attend with me?
Yes! Many times the partner does not have a good understanding of Rotary and what is expected of a club President. This will be addressed in a Friday presentation about Rotary especially designed for them.
Must my partner be registered?
Yes, everyone attending PETS must be registered.
Is there an event app that I can install on my mobile device?
Yes, Great Lakes Rotary PETS uses ConfApp
If I have some questions that I wanted answered that are not outlined in this section, who do I call or contact?
For questions about PETS or hotel registration Email Karen Gabrys. The hotels will NOT be able to help with registration questions.
For other questions contact the Great Lakes Rotary PETS Chairperson PDG Jim Gilmore at [email protected]
For other questions contact the Great Lakes Rotary PETS Chairperson PDG Jim Gilmore at [email protected]